US President Barack Obama is coming to his ancestral home at the tail end of his two terms, not for the love of this nation but to tick the boxes.
Just what does the term radicalisation mean, in relation to the war on terrorism? We use it quite often but we all attach a different meaning to it, and its causes.
Eastern African countries are experiencing a severe drought that has decimated livelihoods in vulnerable regions, with millions in need of emergency support.
Times have changed, very much. There was a time when the sun never set on the British empire. The British had sailed adventurously across oceans of the world to conquer new territories, find new markets and new worlds.
While in Houston, Texas recently, I had the opportunity to officially tour the highly respected University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre, the leading comprehensive cancer treatment centre in the US.
The execution of the Charlie Hebdo journalists was inexcusable, and I condemn it. But Charlie satirists were not innocent too, and provoked an unnecessary fight.
Military actions by the West in Muslim countries breed terrorism